Don't Toss It In The Trash: How To Sort Your Industrial Plastic Waste For Recycling

12 June 2018
 Categories: , Blog


If you run an industrial business, you probably generate your fair share of plastic waste. If you're tossing it into the trash, you're doing yourself and the environment a disservice. You should actually be recycling your industrial waste. You'll reduce the amount of waste that you're sending to the landfill, and you'll be generating some much-needed revenue for your business. Before you start recycling your industrial plastic, you'll need to make sure it's properly sorted. You might not realize this, but there are several things you'll need to consider when recycling industrial plastic. Here are three things you should consider when sorting your plastic.

The Way the Plastic was Used

When it comes to sorting your industrial plastic for recycling, the first thing you need to do is determine the how the plastic was used. For instance, industrial plastic can be used for parts, packaging, or film. It can also be in the form of a resin-based item. The way the plastic was used will determine the way that it's recycled. This is similar to sorting your residential plastic for recycling purposes.

The Way You Prep It for Recycling

When sorting industrial plastic, it's also important for you to consider the way it will be prepped for recycling. Some industrial plastic is baled, in a manner that's similar to the way that cardboard is baled for recycling. However, other industrial plastic is rolled into sheets or sent through the plastics compactor. Sorting your plastic according to how you'll prep it for recycling will help you save time and speed up the process during recycling as well.

The Type of Plastic It Is

When you're sorting your industrial plastic, it's crucial that you consider the type of plastic it is. This is particularly important when it comes to considering cross-contamination. Cross-contamination plays a big role in how industrial plastic can be recycled. Cross-contamination occurs in plastic in a couple of ways. First, plastic is cross-contaminated when multiple types of plastics are used to create one container. Cross-contamination can also occur when multiple layers or various substances are used in the creation of the plastic, such as with lamination or foil. While you're sorting your industrial plastic for recycling, you need to keep your contaminated plastic separate.

Don't throw your industrial plastic into the garbage. Make money off your plastic waste, and protect the environment by recycling your industrial plastic instead. Use the tips here to ensure that your industrial plastic is sorted properly prior to recycling. For more information, contact your local industrial plastic recycling solutions.